Friday, November 7, 2008

Bridesmaids Cards

I wasn't even going to make anything, I was just going to simply ask my girls if they would be a bridesmaid in our wedding. After looking at all the DIY Bridemaids cards, I thought it would be nice to make them something. One night I saw a Knotties bio that had the cutest bridesmaids cards and I so desperately wanted them for my girls. Only problem, I had no idea how to make them. I emailed Knottie Michelle and she so graciously helped me out. She made me four bridesmaids cards from the "27 Dresses Movie" I absolutely love them. I can't wait to scrapbook these as well. I want to take pictures giving them to my girls. Coming Soon.

As soon as I figure out how to upload the images I will post them. I want everyone to see Knottie Michelle Fabulous work. Thanx again!

Well after a weekand of making my bridesmaids cards, I finally finished them and I am very very happy with them. Here are some pics.

Inside of the card reads, "I promise not to make you wear an ugly dress!" Love Ashley

Too cute!!

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